dream is possible歌词大意

Dream It Possible(梦想成为可能)

谱曲:Andy Love

编曲:Andy Love、崔迪


I will run I will climb I will soar.


I'm undefeated.


Jumping out of my skin pull the chord.


Yeah I believe it.

是啊 我坚信。

The past is everything we were don't make us who we are.


so I'll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars.


It's not until you fall that you fly.


When your dreams come alive you're unstoppable.


take a shot chase the sun, find the beautiful.


We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold.


And we'll dream it possible.




Everything as you wish有几个意思

我觉得你男朋友还在气头上他想说的可能是:你想怎么样怎么样把~个人觉得他不太可能是在表达 他什么都听你的因为 那样的话,语言感情上说 一般人会加上主语作为强调(也就是他自己)也就是 I will give u everything as you wish.他没加 I will give u,我感觉 他意识中这些"everything"都与他无关,还有点责怪你仅是个人意见啦,楼主想开点把~


罪恶王冠中my dearest的罗马音歌词

so everything that makes me whole今(いま)君(きみ)に捧(ささ)げよう【现在都奉献给你】

i ma ki mi ni sa sa ge yo uI'm yoursねぇ こんなに 笑えたことも 生まれて初めてだよ 【呐 像这样开心地笑 出生以来还是第一次】

ne kon na ni wa ra e ta ko to mo u ma re te ha ji me te da yoきっと 私はね  【一定 我呐】

ki tto wa ta xi wa neこの日のために 间违いだだけの 道を歩いてきたんだ【为了这一天 而走上错误的道路】

ko no hi no ta me ni ma qi gai da da ke no mi qi o a ru i te ki taずっと 一人で 【一直 孤独一人】

zi tto hi to li de远く远くの 近までまたで 君と二人 【既靠近又遥远的你我二人】

to o ku to o ku no qi ka ma de ma ta de ki mi to fu ta li手を取って 永远に どこまでだって至るはず【只要永远牵着手 无论哪里一定都能到达】

te o to tte e i en ni do ko ma de da tte i ta ru ha ziもう一人じゃなって 君は そういいまだあるな【请不要让我再孤独一人 善良的你仍然在我身边】

mo u hi to ri ja na tte ki mi wa so u i i ma da a ru na守るべき大事なものが今あって 【现在拥有应该保护的重要的事物】

ma mo ru be ki dai ji na mo no ga i ma a tteだけどなすすべおれんたち尽くす徒费は【然而不知所措的我们再尽力也是徒费功夫】

da ke do na si si be o ren ta qi ci ku si to hi wa可能性は 失うで暗暗が意味を【也可能失落在黑暗中的意义】

ka no u sei wa u xi na u de ku ra ya miga i mi woお威吓し 绝望ある 饮み込むらされたは【就算被恐吓 就算绝望 只要感情被理解】

o i ka ku shi ze ci bo u a ru no mi ko mu ra sa re ta ki wa私が君を照らす光になるから【我如果成为照亮你的光芒】

wa ta xi ga ki mi wo te ra su hi ka ri ni na ru ka raまだこの世界の槛出って消せわしない【可能就能走出并消灭这个世界的牢笼】

ma da ko no se kai no o ri de tte ke se wa xi na iso everything that makes me whole今(いま)君(きみ)に捧(ささ)げよう【现在都奉献给你】

i ma ki mi ni sa sa ge yo uI’m yoursねえ この世界(せかい)にはたくさんの幸(しあわ)せがあるんだね【呐 这个世界上有很多种的幸福】

ne ko no se kai ni wa ta ku san no xi a wa se ga a run da neいつか ふたりなら【总有一天 如果是两个人的话】

i ci ka fu ta ri na raWhoeverが君(きみ)のこと嘘(うそ)つきと呼(よ)んで【不管是谁称你为骗子】

whoever ga ki mi no ko to u so ci ki to yon de心无(こころな)い言叶(ことば)で伤(きず)つけようとしても【戓是用无情的语言伤害你】

ko ko ro na i ko to ba de ki zi ci ke yo u to shi te mo世界(せかい)が君(きみ)のことを信(しん)じようとせずに【不管世界是否相信你】

se ka i ga ki mi no ko to wo shi n ji yo u to se zi ni茨(いばら)の冠(かんむり)を冠(かぶ)せようとしても 【即使戴上荆棘做的皇冠】

i ba ra no ka n mu ri wo ka bu se yo u to shi te mo私(わたし)は君(きみ)だけの味方(みかた)になれるよ【我会一直站在你这边】

wa ta shi wa ki mi da ke no mi ka ta ni na re ru yoこの孤独(こどく)痛(いた)みを私は知っている【因为我知道这孤独的疼痛】

ko no ko do ku i ta mi wo wa ta shi wa shi tte i ruso everything that makes me whole今(いま)君(きみ)に捧(ささ)げよう【现在都奉献给你】

i ma ki mi ni sa sa ge yo uI'm yours


undermyumbrella 是哪首歌的歌词

undermyumbrella 是《aarony - aarony》这首歌的歌词

牛奶味夹心阿尔卑斯·electric music party

Something Just Like This (仅仅如此) (Megamix) - The Chainsmokers (烟鬼组合)/Clean Bandit (清洁盗贼)/Kygo (凯戈)/Rihanna (蕾哈娜)

He says what you heard is true but I

Can't stop thinking about you and I

I said I've been there too a few times

I had a dream

We were sipping whiskey neat

Highest floor

The Bowery

Nowhere's high enough

Somewhere along the lines

We stopped seeing eye to eye

You were staying out all night

And I had enough

Oh she don't see the light that's shining

Deeper than the eyes can find it

Maybe we have made her blind

So she tries to cover up her pain

My heart's crippled by the vein

That I keep on closing

You cut me open and I

There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark

You should know you're beautiful just the way you are

And you don't have to change a thing

The world could change its heart

No scars to your beautiful we're stars and we're beautiful

Keep bleeding

Keep keep bleeding love

Keep bleeding

I keep keep bleeding love

Keep bleeding

Keep keep bleeding love


I'm so grateful

These fancy things

Will never come in between

You're part of my entity

Here for infinity

When the war has took its part

When the world has dealt its cards

If the hand is hard

Together we'll mend your heart

It took us a while

'Cause we were young and unsure

With love on the line

What if we both would need more

But all your flaws and scars are mine

Still falling for you

Still falling for you

Still falling for you

You can stand under my umbrella

Ella ella eh eh eh

Under my umbrella

Ella ella eh eh eh

Under my umbrella

Ella ella eh eh eh

Under my umbrella

Ella ella eh eh eh

Eh eh eh

If we go down then we go down together

They'll say you could do anything

They'll say that I was clever

If we go down then we go down together

We'll get away with everything

Let's show them we are better

She tells him oh love no one's ever gonna hurt you love

I'm gonna give you all of my love

Nobody matters like you

Stay out there stay out there

She tells him your life ain't gonna be nothing like my life stay

You're gonna grow and have a good life

I'm gonna do what I got to do

Just take me home

Just take me home

Just take me home

Tell me tell me do you need me need me

Tell me tell me do you love me yea

Or is ya just tryna play me

Would you still love me the same

Would you still love me the same

If I showed you my flaws

If I couldn't be strong

Tell me honestly

Would you still love me the same

Keep bleeding

Keep keep bleeding love

I keep bleeding

I keep keep bleeding love

Keep bleeding

Keep keep bleeding love

You cut me open and I






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